Here you can find archived minutes and agendas (agendi?) of the club's General Meetings.
Present: Matt A (chair), Sarah K M (secretary), Chris H, Bronwen F, Ben B, Simon W "vulnerability" M, Mary M, Camilla P, Ella J, Cameron R, Anabel M, Ben H, Callum R, Andrew W, Danny V, Arthur G, Emma K (left before voting)
Apologies for absence: Marci G (votes sent in advance), Patrick T
Reports by the co-presidents
Nav course, winter skills course, REC 2 and REC 4 also relaxed First Aid course from First Aid Society.
Many socials.
Duddon Valley – Disaster
Stiperstones – Good trip, much alcohol
Rhyd Ddu – Outside pub, good weather
Glen Coe – Successful (no deaths), lots of whisky and wild swimming.
Bryn Golau – Lack of alcohol, otherwise successful
Chilterns – Good, distrusting pub owners
Ennerdale – Bad: minibus crash etc, very expensive bunkhouse,
Edale – Bus got stuck (again), went to pub afterwards (30% retention rate)
Glenridding – Good bunkhouse, scrambling course finally happened
Caseg Fraith – 20L mulled wine on Saturday, mountaineers came over, good fun.
Selside – Singing, alcohol
Coniston – amazing weather, SWM earned new middle name
Rosedale – Good fun
Ups and downs (Ennerdale) but generally solid, recommend keeping trip fee constant.
Courses (REC4 £277 loss), Scrambling (£360 temporary loss due to AGTF childbirth).
Socials done solidly, garden party used up surplus from last year’s Annual Dinner.
£350 for MR at charity ceilidh
Up £200 from membership
BMC affliation increasing so recommend increasing membership fee from £15.
£1500 from Societies Syndicate
Cashflow fine (min £600 approx.)
Minibus tow £450 for Ennerdale
Publicity money well spent on Freshers’ Fair stall
Andy Gibson Training Fund
We’ve not had the money we expect to get from the AGTF yet – interesting cheque situation. BB and CH are in the process of setting up an online account with Lloyds.
BB remarked how much the AGTF is appreciated (despite our complaints).
Motion to raise membership fee
Only had essential spending on club kit in the last year because we’ve had to spend a lot more on BMC affiliation.
Discussion on £17.50 vs. £20.
CP notes that trip fees have gone up in previous years without a motion.
Agreement that £20 is reasonable and is unlikely to put of members.
Aside: CR mentioned that 2 rucksacks were lost on Selside – BB was safety officer.
£17.50 would be enough to refresh kit, £20 would let us upgrade.
Motion passed unanimously.
Message from the 30th Anniversary Committee
Update on plans from David H and Tom L. 20 people have paid £20 deposits but rest of costs covered by DH and TL. Request for loan of £500 to cover catering deposit. Request for volunteers for other committee positions and general help – get in touch if you have any free time to help.
Challenge – County Tops. (Whisky for those who bag Shetland and Orkney…)
Proposal to loan £100 to 30th Anniversary Committee
MA put forward motion to loan £100, seconded by BB. Club is not in a financial position to loan £500 – low point (over summer 2017) was c £580.
MA commented that if we could we’d like to loan more. MA suggests that individual members can make loans to committee. AW asks what happens if it collapses – CP says the money is just lost. MA points out that DH and TL are putting a lot of their own money into deposits anyway, so unfair for risk to be all on them.
Motion passed unanimously.
Proposal to subsidise transport for 30th Anniversary weekend
MA proposes for next year’s committee to decide to what extent there is subsidised transport.
BB remarks that it doesn’t need to be organised that far in advance.
In the past, club has subsidised ~£500 (approx. full transport costs).
AM suggests that it would be good to have both annual dinner and 30th Anniversary.
MA proposes that next committee decides but suggests subsidy should be c £20.
Questions to the committee
AW asks how co-presidency has worked. MA says he dpesn’t know how single presidents did it.
CP asks whether MA and CH will recommend to new committee that they continue with random ballot. CH and MA both say yes.
CP asks how this has affected distribution of experienced/non-experienced people on trips.
AH asks whether this has resulted in more drop outs. MA has listed drop outs on list he distributed. Commented that Glenridding was particularly bad, but was first trip of Michaelmas. BB was initially sceptical of online sign up but thinks it’s worked well.
Election of positions to Executive Committee
Election of President
SKM and BF standing.
CP asks if there’s anywhere they’d like to take the Club. BF says she’d like to go back to North East – Cheviot trip was good. SKM says mystery trip is to good location. Refuses to reveal.
17 for SKM and BF, 0 for RON.
Election of Meets Secretary
AW “This isn’t actually a question for you Danny”
MA asks about whether £10 wear and tear should still be given to own-car drivers. DV says yes.
CP asks how he’ll avoid using the minibus. CH admitted that he chose to use the minibus because he thought it’d be cheaper.
AW asks his opinion on 5 people in cars. DV - “Well it’s not illegal is it.”
17 for DV, 0 for RON.
Election of Social Secretary
MM says they’re keen to organise lots of good socials. Intend to break even.
SWM says he’s heard about the whisky tasting night – would like to recreate.
MA asks whether they have plans for garden party cake. SKM asks whether they have access to an oven between them.
MM: “Yes - your oven”.
AW asks about reinstating club lunches. AM couldn’t do them because of work commitments. MA didn’t do them after no one came to first two (group response: awwwww ☹ ). MM suggests doing them in the Earth Sciences department.
16 for MM and SWM, 1 abstain, 0 for RON.
Election of Safety Officer
CH has “had a go” at being president and think he’d be better suited to safety.
CR mentions that first aid kits need replacing. CH was going to email the organisation who run the Earth Sciences department first aid training (Marlin) to ask about what should be in a first aid kit. CP mentioned that they also sell the kit.
BF asks about the budget for kit. CH suggests having a group from committee go on “a shopping spree”.
RON says “Chris standing is a really bad idea”
17 for CH, 0 for RON. (surprisingly)
Election of Junior Treasurer
MA - “This isn’t a drugs deal, it’s the AGTF”
BB asks if BH has a single signature. BH says yes.
CR compliments BB’s attentiveness with the accounts over the last year.
BB - “How long are you prepared to spend on hold on the Lloyd’s helpline?”
MA asks how he’d sign off an email demanding money from people. BH – “Best regards, Ben Harris”
17 for BH, 0 for RON.
Election of Membership Secretary
EJ – organised formal last year. Likes a good spreadsheet. Not two people but is a humanities student so has time.
CR and PT – PT sends apologies – CR: “My darling other half can’t be here.” Both love spreadsheets. Conditional formatting are their loves. Spreadsheets are their bread and butter. Plan on automating the role out of existence.
CR asks why membership needs two people. CR says they can share a keyboard. They also live next to each other.
MA asks if hypothetically one or both presidents gets glandular fever then what would they be willing to do. EJ says whatever is necessary. CR agrees.
7 for PT and CR; 10 for EJ; 0 for RON.
CR says he won’t speak for PT but is willing to have a go.
Driving on club trips
SKM suggests we have a policy to advise drivers on driving for trips – e.g. recommendation to stop every 3hrs. We drive a long way and passengers may feel uncomfortable highlighting to driver that they are tired and should take a break.
BB suggests that if we have dodgy drivers that we don’t ask them to drive again. SWM suggests that we highlight to drivers that they’re responsible for they safety of those in their car.
CH suggests looking at road/driving association website to base our guidance on official guidance.
CR has found it difficult to keep an eye on kit – difficult to make sure we sign stuff out.
DV asks if the club needs more maps. He thinks on more difficult walks require at least two maps per walk.
Meeting is closed.
9th February 2017 – Cripps Court, Magdalene College.
Present: David H (chair), Ben B (secretary), Arthur G, Chris H, Ben H, Zekang C, Sumita C, Paul F, Andrew W, Adrien L, Callum R, Grisilda Z, Sarah M, Sebastian N, Camilla P, Anabel M, Anthony C, Marton G, Matt A, Arion P.
(Sarah M left before voting.)
Apologies: Matt H
Proxy votes: Juliette M (via AL).
Apologies were received from Matt H, who also thanks the outgoing committee.
DH opens the meeting and comments on the trips under his presidency:
Brecon Beacons - enjoyable. The trip was run jointly with the cavers – quite a few club members took the opportunity to try caving. Organising was fantastically stressful.
Cwm Dyli also stressful. The Pinnacle Club are annoyed. Advice: do not annoy further. Future committee should think about transport for vac trips: the club claims not to organise then does - not ideal.
Capel Curig: trip did not fill up. Lost money. There has been a question of whether there is a point in mysteries. A mystery bunkhouse has been booked for this year, but incoming president free to reveal location.
Aside: Arion is lost.
AW: How are these Cambridge students?
Patterdale good, especially the night hike. Hawkshead Red is fantastic.
Edale: coach got stuck. Do not recommend shepherding freshers in future, though it did include a good stretch of ridge.
Eskdale: is really far away. Question whether we should go so far in future. David thinks it worthwhile, except when he is sitting in the car. Ennerdale possibly even further.
Caseg Ffraith: great bunkhouse. Good atmosphere. Trip was joint with the Mountaineers, but no joint activities other than evening socialising. Hope for more mingling in future.
Swaledale: perhaps favourite trip of the year.
Conniston: apparently enjoyable. Group of people turned up but didn't interact with others?
PF: To point of not filling in route cards.
DH: Be aware of this on future trips.
Mount Hoolie: 12 trip participants overdue at one point. Again stressful.
Overall: No-one died or seriously injured. Success!
This Easter, the club is (unusually) going to Glen Coe. This trip is important to DH, as Scotland is great. Use this trip to widen appeal - club is accessible to all whether going for walks around the lake or exploring Scotland in Winter. Members should be learning winter skills, etc.
Important to recruit freshers: club has lately been dominated by PF.
[PF confiscates DH's whiskey.]
Squash well-received. Arion got BMC funding for banner and promised for Freshers’ Week, but is still not here...
Facebook: has been used more this year than previously. We should be aiming for [DH attempts to sound youthful and keen] "Wow, what an amazing trip. I want to go walking with the hillwalking club."
[See attached Treasurer’s Report.]
Accounts are well balanced. Small profit on the year after some unexpected income from bank compensation. Trip fees have been increased. Recommend keeping at £40/£42.
Membership: Might differ from database owing to membership form submission / payment received across financial years.
Socials: Some socials didn't follow the pre-payment system - cash was collected. Try to stick to pre-payment in future.
[Several questions were received from Andrew W in advance of the meeting. Answers as in revised financial report (attached). ZC reads out in entirety regardless...]
Aside: Arion is still lost...
ZC reads first few of AW’s questions and prepared answers to them. [See attached.]
BMC affiliation:
AW: On the summary accounts, even though the number of members has presumably risen (£1956 income to 31/01/2016 vs. £2069 to 31/01/2017), why is the BMC affiliation fee lower between the two years?
BB: There are some members still to be paid for. A further 22 members have been registered recently, and we are awaiting billing. BMC have been a bit sluggish in invoicing...
Further aside: Arion is at Selwyn's Cripps Court. His participation in the Langdale navigation course is encouraged by PF.
ZC continues reading prepared answers.
Damage to gas hob on Caseg Ffraith trip: AW of opinion that CUMC should pay.
DH: It doesn't come to much.
AW: Maybe not worth it if there’s a risk of causing significant fall-out with CUMC.
CP briefly alarmed to hear that PF is Senior Treasurer. Clarified that this is of CUMC, not CUHWC. CP much relieved.
Facebook boosting: ZC: have not boosted club posts in financial year to Jan 31st. Only experimented for Annual Dinner recently.
MA: did use his own money for one social event.
Equipment purchase:
AW (in advance): Do we anticipate significant future expenditure on equipment?
as AP not yet present, DH comments: Yes, club will spend some amount on equipment in future. The tents bought in the last year were useful.
AW: Point was whether current kit is in need of replacement soon.
DH doesn’t think so.
ZC reads last couple of prepared answers to AW’s questions.
PF: one of the reports was pointless. Only displaying balances since whatever date we started using GnuCash.
DH/ZC: Profit and loss report for last year only has been circulated.
BMC grants: AW: is this the banner?
[ several simultaneous discussions of what BMC gives grants for ]
How much do we pay for website?
PF: Main thing is the domain name registration every couple of years.
Societies Syndicate:
AW: Overall policy in past has been to lose money. Not planning this any more, but should persuade SS that we need cash reserves.
DH: Put a strong argument to SS in last year’s application - travel is expensive, club trips are important to health / wellbeing.
CP: Was SS grant the same as last year? DH: Yes. PF: CUMC got the same amount.
DH: Ask for 15 grand and see what happens.
CP: Could agree with CUMC to ask for more...
DH: Not as many people with own cars. Travel is more expensive now. But SS did not buy that last year.
PF: Would be good to have some SS insiders. They are looking for people. If every outdoor club suggested someone...
AW is keen.
Anabel M: Would be good to have simple Powerpoint / graphs to show how many members we have, how many drivers, how many own their own cars, etc. Show what we are doing, what we need, where the money will go.
DH: could possibly include in cover letter for SS application.
PF: In past SS was undersubbed. CUSU have been annoying in advertising it to people.
CP asks whether any sponsorship would interfere with SS grant. Boat club uses alumni connections, etc.
DH: Might turn nose up if sponsorship is onerous or exploitative.
BB comments Trespass dealings: monumental amount of faff for two cheap baselayer tops.
DH: One Duffer turned down Annual Dinner because commanding RN vessel in Indian Ocean...
DH calls a vote on whether to allow discussion to continue. There is little enthusiasm.
Accounts are approved unanimously.
Arion arrives!
DH explains the AGTF. This year they have funded two courses: REC2 First Aid course last February and the scrambling course in June. We are very grateful.
The AGTF has a balance of about £6000 in the account. Will be funding REC2,4 courses (50%), and Winter Skills course (75%). That is very generous of them – they are a great asset to the club.
Hope to have more individual applications to make better use of AGTF – only one application this year for a navigation course - advised to come on ours instead of paying for instructor.
AGTF could operate more effectively – not the best at responding to emails.
PF: Are there still difficulties in getting money out of the bank account?
DH: Yes. Philip W started moving AGTF towards internet banking, but still not there. Internet banking was a revelation to the AGTF committee.
AW: What donations have there been to the AGTF this year? £1000 from the Gibsons? DH: Yes
AW suggests AGTF could become training and travel fund.
CP: Not what it's there for. Perhaps if advertised to others for donations, maybe.
PF asks whether AGTF are set up for Gift Aid. Mentions scheme to channel donations through the University, with label to make sure it gets to the right pot.
DH: Arion should update course descriptions on the webisite.
Arion: How do I edit the website anyway?
Andrew W had sent some questions in advance, which BB attempted to answer.
AW (in advance): How many people failed to get a place on a trip at sign-up (even if they subsequently went on to get a place)?
BB: This is not routinely recorded. For some trips (for which I have sign-up sheets): Eskdale: waiting list of 9 people at sign-up (of whom 1 subsequently got a place). Caseg Ffraith: waiting list of 8 at sign-up. Extra transport booked: all but 1 were eventually offered a space. Cheviot: everyone at sign-up got a place. Some bias here – these were popular Michaelmas trips.
DH: Swaledale didn't fill.
AW: How many trips did not fill up this year and how many places were left unfilled?
BB: Under current committee, one weekend trip did not fill - 3 spaces unfilled on Mystery Trip.
SC gives transport report [see attached].
Thanks to the rest of the committee.
Difficulty: no card available to pay for transport all year – was paid from SC’s own card. New committee should try to sort this.
Paul C drove 5 times. People driving more than 4 times are offered annual excess insurance. That worked out well.
CP: Good idea. Also cheaper for the club.
DH: Excess insurance takes away a lot of risk for the club.
CP: What is the situation with the card?
DH: Applied for one, but never emerged. ZC went on account in September. Incredible argument with bank - hopefully next year better. Bank not good at dealing with international Meets and Treasurer.
BH asks whether Forest Evasion was an official trip. It was not.
AW (in advance): How many Toms are currently on the membership database?
BB: The decline of Tom continues - only 4 current members of the club bearing that name.
New front-runners:
Ben (8 until recently if including Benjamin and Benedict)
Alex (6 if including Alexander and Alexandra)
Chris (6 if including Christiane, Christie, Christine, Christoph)
Vote to continue discussion. A majority were in favour of continuing.
AW would like the website to be updated. DH agrees that it looks dated. “The colour scheme is hideous.”
Various people (Marton, Adrien) commented that it is functional.
DH: Functional, but not pretty. Perhaps trying to fit too much into one place? Could make more use of Google Docs, etc, in the future.
Arthur G is willing to have a go at updating it. Good luck to him.
Sumita C asks if there is a policy regarding babies on trips.
MA: No club policy at the moment.
BB asserts that it is fine with the BMC provided parents are supervising.
CP: No need for Ashton clause in the constitution.
Adrien questions lack of Cwm Dyli trip.
DH has had trouble getting responses to emails. We had booked, but they unbooked us... Hoping for a "normal" Easter trip in addition to Glen Coe, perhaps Capel Curig, though problems getting email responses from them as well.
MA: This is partly what the discuss list is for.
DH introduces the unusual joint ticket: Matt A and Chris H. Prospective co-presidents discuss amongst themselves which should go first.
MA: No other club does what we do. Would like to contribute towards it, but cannot be president alone as in final year. “Balance of youth an experience.”
CH: Having a fresher president would be good for fresher recruitment next year. Having more undergrads on the committee could undo the current postgrad bias.
Adrien: The constitution says we do not discriminate.
[General discussion of whether or not we discriminate against various groups of people.]
DH posits that the club is not sexist.
CP: The club is male-dominated but not sexist.
MA issues a non-discriminatory statement of the value of all present.
Adrien: Are you (MA) ready to change sex?
All others present are confused.
AW comment: President perhaps only position not possible to share. There is a risk of buck-passing. Having two presidents introduces an extra layer of admin and work coordinating between each other. Who makes decisions in difficult times? How to resolve disputes between co-presidents? What happens if one can't carry on?
MA: Work will be divided up by trip. Non-trip activities will be divided in a defined way.
CH: We have throught about having one to handle admin work and one trip running, but not sure how well this would work - one getting all the fun. We’re not creating a new role, just balancing workload.
Adrien: (to MA) Has sharing socials worked well?
MA: Has worked well to cover when one has been away. e.g. Christmas Curry. Some division as well - Matt did fire night. Could have done it alone, but would have been more stressful and not as good for the club.
CP: How will you handle emails? Having presidential address forward to both wouldn’t really work. A joint email account?
MA: Yes, we’ve run a shared email account for socials this year and it has worked. Also provides continuity from one committee to the next.
AW: What happens if one of you stops working?
CH asks when MA will be finishing his PhD, but MA doesn’t know.
CH: Until now, presidency has been held by one person at a time. Can revert to that for an amount of time if needed.
MA: Half-way through the year CH will have had half a year of being president. If he took it on by himself, he’d be far more experienced than anyone else.
AW: Is the plan then for a joint presidency until Sept and then CH alone?
MA: No. Gradually wind done as needed.
Interlude: Sarah M is leaving.
BB: What do you think about databases?
SM gives a thumbs up. BB is satisfied by this response.
AW questions how presidential pre-signs will be allocated.
CH: There will still only be one pre-sign for Trip Leader on each trip.
DH: Being president is collosal amount of work. I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like - fully behind sharing the work.
CP: The thing is to communicate with club to know who is doing what. "This trip is run by..." New position of VP has been suggested in the past.
AP questions whether we are effectively creating a new position. Will two-person presidency be the norm from now on?
DH: This is a question for later. If this works well, perhaps the constitution could be ammended in future.
AW agrees. Interesting to see how it goes.
Voting begins. There are 21 voters expected. Sarah M has left, and Juliette M is voting by proxy through Adrien L.
18 MA&CH, 3 RON
Matt and Chris elected.
Arthur G is standing for election. There are no other candidates.
AG: It’s good to have trips away from Cambridge to destress. Has some experience of committees. No experience of the insurance side, but willing to learn.
There followed questions. Most were directed at Sumita and concerned general transport arrangements.
CP asked for suggestions for persuading people to drive.
CH questions how many people we have able to drive MPVs. The only person aged over 25 is Marie. Several examples of members older than this are suggested to the new president.
AW: Fitting five people in cars is uncomfortable. Can this be avoided.
AG: Five in a car is more cost effective. Has not been in a car (on a trip), so not sure what it's like.
Several people question whether car discomfort is a problem. CP points out that we do not often have excess drivers.
CH says that some amount of discomfort is necessary. “If you're willing to go out in the rain for a weekend...”
DH: We’re limited by drivers. Do we want more people or more luxury for the people that go?
Question about MPVs.
SC: It’s difficult to find drivers. People feel more confident driving cars.
DH: Perhaps despatchers should make more of an effort to put smaller people in cars.
CP: These are not questions...
AC: Should own car drivers get more back than hire car drivers?
This was deferred to AOB, as not specific to Arthur.
20 AG, 1 RON
Arthur G elected.
Anabel M is standing. There are no other candidates.
AM: Asked by DH on Sunday evening, so quite a recent thing. Only concern is that I'll be 3rd year next year, so may have limited time. Confident of being able to organise: currently running two security rotas [?] and boat club things. Good at sending emails and getting people to respond. But will not be able to do lunches, and weekends difficult. If other committee members could help running events on the day, everything is fine.
CH: Have you thought of any exciting events?
A: This year enjoyed formals, lunch with other clubs (ramblers?).
[There is some amount of mumbling at that suggestion.]
SC: There were problems with the Christmas curry this year: some people didn't turn up. Some people didn't get gifts. Could we not do this?
Adrien and PF: In previous years Christmas curry has worked fine.
MA still has a present for Ramya Guranathan, who is not responding to emails.
Sebastian N suggested a random assignment of presents.
CP: That's not how Secret S works...
Adrien: Would you be able to go to formals?
A: Yes. Evenings are fine.
MA: Is Fire Night on the manifesto?
A: It can be.
CP: Do you like baking.
A: I love baking. Is that a requirement?
CP assures her that it is: hillwalking-themed cake for garden party is very important.
A: From other societies, when socials don't happen it's because of communication. I can make that work.
18 Anabel, 3 RON
Anabel is elected.
DH introduces the only contested position. Ben H and Callum R are standing.
BH has been in the club about a year. Would like to get involved in organising more. Reasonable amount of time to look after kit, make sure it gets back to where it belongs. Cutting back on rowing a lot and planning to go on more trips this year.
CR: Safety is one of the most important things - what we do is dangerous. Has experience doing field work in Greenland and other places. Knows the kit – has worked in shops. First year PhD, so has plenty of time on his hands, mostly spent drinking coffee at thte moment. Keeping kit clean is the most important thing. Can drive car (safely), except that one crashed Peugeot...
AP: Why are people competing for this position? Safety takes a lot of time. Why not RON today and run on joint ticket?
AW explains constitutional position: would have to RON today, then wait 7 days for nominations.
No great enthusiasm for this option.
CP: Both have said they have enough time.
AP: Who is closer to 6 Grange Road.
[some discussion of routes around Cambridge]
AP says that a lot of cleaning time is needed. He is still cleaning up after the mice.
MA: Are you willing to go on shorter walks on trips? Have to make sure everyone is on a safe walk and happy.
BH: As far as I’m aware that’s not been a problem with that in the past. Happy to take a shorter walk if needed.
CR: Quite happy to go on short walks. Important SO knows where everyone is going. Part of the job.
PF tells a story about a reckless hillwalker who is about to walk out the door in a state of undress.
CR would slap them around the back of the head. Safely.
BH: Stop them leaving. If routes available, they can sign up or go on their own.
PF tells another story about someone than himself who wants to go on a walk up a knife-edge ridge in a gale. What do you say? Would you be confident enough to say it
BH: I would say no. There are plenty of experienced people around to back up if needed. Expect most people would give in.
CR: Can only ever advise. Can't hold by collar. Advise them of risks and remind them their behaviour reflects on the club. Tell them they don't want to die alone on a knife-edge ridge. If they get stretchered, it looks bad on everyone.
SN: Do you have enough experience to judge route cars, given weather, in winter...?
BH: Reasonable amount of experience, certainly in Summer. Walking in Britain for 5 years. Other members of the club have lots of experience. Would have to ask advice on serious winter walks.
CR: Also done some winter walking, Glen Coe. Judge what people are capable of, tell them in a polite way.
AW: What are your views on climbing on club trips?
CR: No place for climbing on a hillwalking trip.
BH: Not sure what the club's liability is. (PF: as BMC club, we are insured). If competant climbers and weather okay, don't see why this would be problematic.
1 BH, 18 CR, 2 spoilt
Callum R elected.
Ben B is standing. There are no other candidates.
BB: I’ve enjoyed my year getting to know the membership database. Looking forward to the opportunity to get to know GnuCash in a similar way.
There is an awkward silence – it is almost time for refreshments.
21 BB, 0 RON
Ben B elected.
Sarah M is standing, but had to leave earlier on and left no statement. She is a fresher, and has said she likes databases. DH thinks her competant. No further questions are asked.
21 SM, 0 RON
Sarah M is elected.
AC: People driving their own cars are currently allowed the same expenses as hire car drivers. They are not compensated for their extra costs.
[Some discussion of the damage Anthony does to his vehicle.]
DH: People driving their own cars cost the club about half as much as hire cars.
MA: Reasonable to compensate own car drivers by the amount we would pay out on insurance for hrie cars?
AC is happy with that.
DH: Seems to be a consensus that own car drivers should be allowed slightly more in expenses.
AW: 30th anniversary is in 2 years’ time. The incoming committee should begin to make arrangements.
MA: 25th anniversary was organised by a separate committee.
DH: Tom Leach would like to do it.
CH: There probably won't be a 35th.
DH: “If you break the club I'll break you.”
CH clarifies that he does not think 35th a very significant aniversary.
AW proposes a vote of thanks to outgoing committee.
CP seconds.
The meeting is closed at 9:15, and refreshments are served.
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The agenda for the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 9th February 2017 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
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CUHWC Annual General Meeting 2016
Secretary: Anthony Cooper
Attending: Matt A, Tom A, Patrick, John O, Zekang C, Alex R, David H, Adrien LF, Camilla P, Josh A, Andrew W, Grasilda Z, Sumita C, Paul F, Dr J. Hickson
Late: Arion P
Apologies: Ben B, RON (Who sent an email in apology, detailing why they should get all the new committee positions)
It was noted that some ex-presidents neither attended, nor apologised, and one still hasn’t published their edition of High Society
Philip opened the meeting, and some of the outgoing committee gave reports, summarised as follows
Philip Withnall gave his presidential report
He thinks we learnt things from ‘the other place’
Tom Leach was late for things
Tasty food was made, lots involving chocolate – much of the reported food was pudding, or vegetarian
The club visited most hilly places in the UK
There was a large variety in the weather experienced
There was a very limited number of mountain rescue call outs made
Day trips were good, people like them, and good for getting new members
A new membership system was created
Andrew Williamson provided some numbers, Phil seemed confused by numbers
Lots of Ben’s, not many Tom’s anymore, but Tom drives a lot
Camilla Penney provided a Meets Report
The club drove more than 10,000 miles
The coach driver for Edale needs replacing
Some cars got hit a little bit
Some cars got lost a little bit
The new Meets Sec needs to find more drivers, particularly with their own cars
Josh Abrahams provided a Safety Report
Navigation courses ran by club members are well good
Josh bought things, lost things (actually mainly members lost things), found things (stuff was returned), laminated things (and bought things pre-laminated)
There wasn’t much playing in the snow this year, but lots of playing in the dark – evidenced by lack of use of winter gear, and significant headlamp losses
Adrien LeFauve provided a Socials Report
Lots of socials, lots of pub, formaled across Cambridge
Ate, drank, had fun
Tom’s were the most social
Downing bar doesn’t like us
Lots of people are now spreading the CUHWC message by buying lots of stash, although CUHWC branded condoms were unpopular
David Hoyle provided a Treasurer’s Report
He lost money, the new treasurer will need to find money, and stop losing so much
(It was decided at this point Paul Fox is too pedantic about spelling)
Also decided that the grants people are mean, and so the club should wait to decide future trip costs off grant amounts
Day trips earn lots – but they are faffy
Andrew W questioned if membership costs should rise, due to increased BMC costs? – Decision of probably not was made
A vote was taken to approve the accounts as displayed
18 For 0 Against 0 Abstentions
Accounts were approved
A report was made on the Andy Gibson Training Fund
The administrators of the fund have been lost around the world, making it awkward to administer
Dave Farrow sent an email report – summarised as he doesn’t know anything
The fund gave money to people – lots of courses, First Aid, Winter Skills, Scrambling
Pre-payment of courses was seen to be a good thing
The Bank are useless
Statements visit much of Cambridge
Some form of (what seemed to an unknowledgeable secretary) bank fraud was suggested to solve the bank being useless
Questions were made to the committee
Regarding under/oversubscription on trips – trips usually overfilled around Michaelmas, under filled around lent
A suggestion towards more Easter term trips was suggested due to lots of people who don’t have exams
Elections for new committee positons were made
President – 1 Candidate
Continuity (and other similar words) was mentioned a lot
Social media stuff
Ban on visiting Yorkshire (Drivers for first trip after AGM have already been told to avoid the A1 in Yorkshire)
Likes Lancashire – Suggested visiting Blackpool and Pubs (other members suggested Lancashire is a bog)
He’s going to come on trips, delegate and pass his degree
22 David 0 RON 0 Abstentions
David was duly elected
Meets – 1 Candidate
Likes drivers, likes food, will sort transport before food
Vegetable sharing between cars
Doesn’t drive
Will find drivers
Knows a bus driver
20 Sumita 1 RON 0 Abstentions
Sumita was duly elected
Social – 1 Pair of Candidates
Matt and Grasilda
Like swimming
Something about shared emails was asked – everyone got a bit confused, they answered yes
They like lunches in pubs
They can bake, but won’t bake each other
If they fall out they will treat the club like a divorced child, and split events between them
22 Matt and Grasilda 0 RON 0 Abstentions
Matt and Grasilda were duly elected
Safety – 1 Candidate
Likes night walks, likes running
Doesn’t like inexperienced fresher’s on Crib Goch
Won’t allow walking in jeans
Walking boots aren’t always essential
Will hunt down those with club kit
23 Arion 0 RON 0 Abstentions
Arion was duly elected
Treasurer – 1 Candidate
Does maths and computers
Matt asked an awkward maths question – was irrelevant and Matt looked a bit silly
John was awkward
Lots of bad questions were asked
Secretary thinks bank fraud may have been suggested again
20 Zekang 3 RON 0 Abstentions
Zekang was duly elected
Membership – 1 Candidate
Was absent due to watching cats in a cave
Did little to appease rumours that he may be a bear
23 Ben 0 RON 0 Abstentions
Ben was duly elected
Dr James Hickson was re-elected unanimously as Senior Treasurer
There was no other business
The meeting was closed
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The agenda for the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 11th February 2016 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
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Chair: Mr Thomas Leach
Secretary: Mr Anthony Cooper
Also Present: Andrew Howell, Camilla Penney, Adrien Lefauve, David Hoyle, Joshua Abrahams, Thomas Ashton, Zekang Cheng, John Ockenden, Lucie Studena, Andrew Williamson
Paul Cook
Rose Pearson
Philip Withnall
There was one nomination for the role, Philip Withnall
Since he wasn’t able to be present he left some words for the Chair to say
-He has been a member of the club, and would like to help it through difficult spells
-Isn’t RON
The Chair then opened for discussion and questions to current committee members
Tom Leach
-Phil probably will not be the president for a full year
-Another EGM will be needed – however a better planned changeover will be possible, with Phil not planning a sudden resignation – he will give warning, at which point an EGM can be planned for a Thursday pub at least 2 weeks later
-Possibly will need to reallocate roles within the committee to spread load off of the president
-An EGM may be needed to alter the constitution to better allow for the resignation of the president
John Ockenden
-To the committee – Whilst it can be seen that you are addressing the symptoms of the President leaving, by finding and electing a new President, members cannot see you addressing the cause of him leaving?
Camilla Penney, Joshua Abrahams and David Hoyle
-It was a personal decision taken by Marcus to resign from his role
-Therefore not really possible to take action against
-But also unlikely to happen again
John Ockenden leaves meeting
Philip Withnall is duly elected President – 11 Votes for, 0 Absentions
Thomas Leach closed the meeting
The agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday 11th March 2015 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
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Minutes for CUHWC AGM, 05/02/15
Chair: Thomas Leach
Secretary: Laurent Michaux
1. Apologies for Absence
Valery Ashton, Jade Cuttle
2. Presidential Report
· 12 trips since the last AGM - no day trip last Lent, and lose 1 due to early AGM.
· Mystery/Threlkeld – Signup before this committee year. Film crew caused some issues, otherwise fine.
· Cwm Dyli – Traditionally snowy weather, all went fine.
· Bryn Golau – nothing to report; I didn’t actually go on Mystery/Threlkeld.
· Roaches Day Trip – lovely walk in stunning weather along the Roaches, got lost finding Fish and Chips on the way home.
· Patterdale trip – nothing to report, no scrambling course this year for financial reasons (no BMC money).
· Summer – trips to the Alps, Cape Wrath Trail, and Glencoe organized (semi-)independently of the club.
· Edale – Full again this year with significant waiting list at signup, although people dropped out and even those towards the bottom of the reserve list did have an opportunity to go. Again difficulties with late walks back (blame Andrew and I).
· Glenridding – good new bunkhouse, very spacious and good value. Limited to 30 beds (no one permitted on the floor), although we could use the Striding Edge Hostel next door on another occasion. First aid needed after Karol fell and cut his head; otherwise went smoothly.
· Caseg Fraith – again good weather, some went climbing on Sunday. CUMC joined us on Saturday night, somehow managed to fit 52 people in the hut for dinner.
· Dartmoor – good new bunkhouse, relatively basic but very good value. Friendly owners too. Some issues re two members poorly filling in a route card, leading to worry when they didn’t come back, although thankfully they managed to call the hut. Also – a very long drive there!
o It was commented that the goggles were not suitable for chopping wood, Tom said he will look into it.
o Tom was also happy that people read his emails and took down the numbers to call when they were going to be late back.
· Seathwaite – miserable weather, but quite a few new members came along.
· Capel Curig – very oversubscribed, but TAL managed to find another bunkhouse at very short notice, so almost all the people on the reserve list got a space. Some issues re puncture – the next Meets Sec and Treasurer can have fun dealing with that – and also the key got left behind, waiting back to hear from the club about that.
o Tom A remarked that the extra bunkhouse was very comfortable!
· Trips generally oversubscribed, although not quite as bad as in the past. Michaelmas trips tended to fill at ~7.20, Caseg Fraith obviously very bad this year.
Trip Statistics
· 214 different people came on a trip in the last 14 trips (although helped by 96 people coming on anniversary trip many who were inactive members)
o Joe said “That’s the same number as the number of wainwrights. So we could have literally put a members on each wainwright”
· Keen members are Marcus, who has been on 11/14 last trips.
o Last year none 11/13, TAL 10/13.
· New active members, 4 or more in last 14 and none before that: Jade 9/14, Charlotte Z 5/14, Yining N 5/14, Ben B 5/14, Camilla P 4/14, Adrien L 4/14, David H 4/14, Zekong C 4/14
· Edale 26% retention rate (same as last year) – 12 new members came back. 49 ‘new’ members on Edale. Elizabeth B did not come :(
· Currently 106 members, 38 Undergrads (49%), 39 Postgraduate (51%), 27 Unknown
· Last year 129 members, 41 Undergrads (44%), 52 postgraduate (56%), 36 Unknown
· 78% of members are CU students
· 6 Toms (5.7% of club)
· 46% Female, 54% Male balance
· Popular colleges are 11 Churchill, 9 Pembroke, 8 Fitzwilliam, 6 Johns, 6 Girton
· 2 people on course membership, ends this year
· 14 people came on club socials but not trips – can discuss this later.
· Not a lot of change from last year really …
· Minibuses - we can no longer hire them as per last year (Phil?)
· Used MPV's and more cars instead which has worked ok and not too much more expensive. Drivers prefer them too. Also more room for kit.
· Generally good for drivers, although some issues on Glenridding (probably due to going there in June).
· Successfully use of CUSU MPV for Day Trip – worth doing again. Also good interest-free loan – full payment only needs sending 6 months after use.
· No scrambling course this year, in part due to lack of BMC funding for the year before, although would be good to do one this year with new funding situation.
· (Basic) navigation course on Caseg Fraith (Glyn Calland) – good, but perhaps set at too low a level. Always tricky to pitch these things right. Issue worth noting with bunkhouse – need to try and book a bigger one with courses in mind, as otherwise too many presigns.
· REC 4 First Aid – 5 CUHWC members participated. More REC courses lined up this term.
· Both the Cwm Dyli vacation trip and the Capel Curig trip had ‘full’ winter conditions. With the former, ice axes (and to a lesser extent crampons) were needed for walks on higher ground, which did pose some challenges in terms of the numbers of crampons/ice axes available as always. Felt it was managed better this year.
· Some issues with missing club kit as always, although seems to have got better since last year. Reintroducing check-out system seems to be working, although always tricky with the rush to head off on Sunday.
· New kit has included waterproofs and headtorches, perhaps look into buying new sleeping bags (Andy?)
· Excellent range and number of socials this year (formals at Homerton, Clare, Girton, Trinity; swap with CUEX/CUMC, SPRI museum tour, Sports Quiz, and lunches at Botanic Gardens and occasional pubs.
· No weekly lunches since October, due to low attendance and difficulty finding a permanent venue. However, occasional things do tend to be more popular, including pub lunches.
· Pub meets are still well attended – guess about 10-15 on average, with some >20
· Other standard events – Garden Party at Pembroke (thanks to Marcus, Jade and Dr Hickson), informal overnight punting arranged after; Christmas Curry
3. Accounts
Last year it was necessary to build up the balance in the bank account following the minibus accident. This year the aim has been to keep the bank balance at a more steady level. Trip fees have varied throughout the year but now seem to have stabilised at £40.
The accounts are still kept using GNUCash, and this made it very easy to fill in the accounts summary form at the end of the financial year. I would like to thank Phil for his help during the year.
In order to reduce the amount of cash I was handling (we received over £800 for the Edale trip), and to move with the times, the decision was made not to accept cash at sign-up. The ability to pay by online transfer was introduced and this has proved popular, with Marcus and Dr. Fox amongst those who have made the transfer on the spot outside St Johns. A few people without British bank accounts still pay by cash, but this is more manageable than before. If they could get British bank accounts and pay by transfer it would please me even more.
In line with the Procters’ advice, we have tried to minimise any losses on socials. I think we have managed this reasonably successfully, with the main losses being the garden party and the annual dinner. Pre-payment for formals has been enforced which has eradicated any loss from expecting people to turn up on the night with payment. The next committee should continue this.
The accounts summary shows that socials have been subsidised by £101.34 this financial year. At face value this figure is higher than that which we should be aiming for, but is actually due to a number of artefacts:
1. A £22.00 cheque someone on the committee is yet to pass on to me
2. Payment for Queens Formal (Feb 2014) was over two financial years In real terms, socials (mainly Garden party and 2014 annual dinner) have been subsidised ∼ £36
· Are all of our members now on yearly membership?
No, still two left ending this year. Yearly membership is the only type of membership now offered.
· The figure for membership income indicates that we have 102 members (£1530 / 15), yet at the bottom it says this totalled 93 members.
Good spot. This is a mistake. 102 membership payments have been made in the past financial year. Note that this may not quite equate to 102 members as it would be possible to pay membership twice in a financial year. I’m not going to go through the accounts and look to see if this is the case.
· Can we explain the apparent drop in number of members this year compared with last?
The accounts from the 2013 - 2014 financial year indicate that 137 membership payments were made. Perhaps the trips this year were smaller, or more of the longer-term members went on the trips. I’m probably not the best person to be answering this question. I don’t think it poses a problem for the club, as many of the trips have been over subscribed by a considerable margin. People are still keen to go hill-walking.
· How much do we now pay to the BMC for member affiliation?
Payment for the first 20 members is a lump sum of £175.00 (£8.75 per member). £8.75 per member thereafter. Non student members are £11.75
· What were the BMC grants actually for? Were they for particular courses? Did we receive any money for Freshers’ Fair flyers, like we have in the past?
£130 website and flyers £105 equipment
£200 navigation course
· Why has administration expenditure increased by -£400 from last year? Is this due to a restructuring of the accounts?
The administration category on the accounts form also include miscellaneous items. It is also important to consider the administrative income. Some items such as the committee hoodies, went through the accounts (in and out) as administration. It could be argued they should have gone through as clothing, but they differ from the other stash we sell. The selling of other stash is a continuous event over several years whereas the committee hoodies are a discrete event each year.
An anonymous duffer made a £50 donation to the AGTF (initially paid into our account, then transferred to the AGTF) which went through as misc (administration).
Expenses this year:
30.00 Freshers Fair fee
69.50 Freshers Fair printing
59.25 Food and drink for squash
75.00 Room hire for freshers squash
It should be noted that the club generally struggles to find rooms which we can use. Apart from the freshers squash, room hire does not represent a good use of club money.
Some of this could be classed as publicity but at current there is not a publicity account in the accounts, whereas there is a section for publicity on the form provided by the procters. Perhaps next year we should class some expenditure as publicity in the accounts.
· We appear to have made some profit on clothing or is this something buried in the ‘account summary’ document that I can’t spot?
No - I am not sure how you came to this conclusion. Perhaps you can rephrase the question with some explanation?
· What would ‘publicity’ cover? I know we have £0.00 on it anyway, but surely the Freshers’ Fair banner should be listed as publicity expenditure? How were the Freshers’ Fair flyers paid for?
I had classed the freshers fair banner as equipment, as it going to remain a club asset for use at future freshers fairs. It could have been classed as publicity.
· More a point rather than a query, but the Freshers’ Squash didn’t really make a loss, since the aim (I think) was to pay for that from Edale income, which we did, with -£50 to spare, as I expect you already know, but it may be worth clarifying explicitly.
I presume you are talking about the Oct 2013 Freshers squash. That is in the 2013 - 2014 financial year - not whilst I was treasurer.
was there such a high loss on Caseg Ffraith in November 2014? And for Bryn
Brethynau in January/February 2014? Was this related to a payment made
following the trip (and so within this financial year)?
For the Caseg Ffraith trip lots of vehicles (5) were hired. This is higher than normal for a trip.
The Bryn Brethynau trip made a £51.40 profit. Reimbursing drivers occurred in a different financial year to the trip payments. The same can be said about the recent Capel Curig trip.
· Why was there such a high profit for Capel Curig in January 2015? Is there some payment still to be made?
Trip payments for the Capel Curig trip occurred in the 2014 - 2015 financial year. Reimbursing the drivers will take place in the 2015 - 2016 financial year.
· What does the Langdale (2014) loss cover? I thought this was accounted for independently with the 25th Anniversary committee?
For the loss to be exactly four hundred pounds I have a feeling it was planned by the club. Phil would probably know more. I suspect the club agreed to subsidise the trip by that amount. The loss covers only driving expenses (car hire, petrol).
· Why did we make a £100 loss on the 2014 navigation course?
I will need to look into this. I suspect we are waiting for a grant from the AGTF. We are having problems getting any money out of them at the moment, with the account signatories not living in Cambridge any more.
· What did the equipment expenditure cover? What did we buy with it?
Cafetiere, equipment boxes, Wilderness medicine field guide, 2 emergency shelters, BMC maps, crampons (1 set), cork board, pop-up poster, 2 waterproof trousers, 2 head torches and the first aid kit was restocked.
“How much use did the club Cafetière get?” – Joe
“Considering we have lost two we should get insurance for them”
It was pointed out that it was not on the equipment list. John clarified that we only bought one regardless of how many we lost!
· The move to online banking has worked well.
· There has been a significant decrease in trip cost £45 to £42 to £40.
· Discussion about running trips at a loss next year.
o Joe says that it’s not a good idea to reduce it too much, as when he joined people complained that trips were very expensive once the trip costs were put back up.
o Tom argues he has made a significant cost reduction for trips.
o It was pointed out that a fixed cost is easier to financially plan for.
o £40 is easier for change. This is not really a problem since we no longer do cash.
o Joe pointed out that not all the bunk houses are equal.
o Tom says that transport costs vary between trips.
o Tom H thinks the cost should be based on how nice the bunk house is. Joe agrees.
· There was a puncture on the last trip.
o How much did the puncture cost?
o Philip – “Nothing! We have insurance on the insurance”
o It works out good to have insurance on the insurance if we have an accident once every two years, which we do.
· Voting on approval of accounts as presented.
22/22, all in favour
4. Andy Gibson Training Fund
· There has been a push towards internet banking.
· There are current issues in signing cheques. Tom then goes on to explain detailed logistics about delays in producing cheques. We need internet banking!
· Paul thinks a move to Natwest from Barclays would work to alleviate problems with cheques.
· Rose says this is something for the AGTF to discuss, not us.
Tom H “How does the AGTF work for first aid courses” Especially if the member is part of multiple clubs.
Rose- “We will sort if so you don’t get double funded.”
Andrew - The input into the account won’t last forever
Tom – We are not spending anywhere near the amount going in. We can afford to do this and encourage people to apply for it more.
5. Motion, proposed by Mr Andrew Williamson, seconded by Mr Philip Withnall:
“At the discretion of the current Club membership, to provide the Club President with one complimentary ticket to the Annual Dinner immediately following their termination of office, as an expression of gratitude for their significant work for the Club over the duration of the preceding year. The Junior Treasurer shall decide whether the cost of the President’s ticket will be covered either (i) by addition to the Club’s administrative or social expenditure for the year, or (ii) by incorporating the cost into the price of a standard ticket for the Annual Dinner”
Andrew – We should spread the cost over the year rather than putting it only on the dinner participants.
There was much discussing on the wording and legalities.
It was decided that it was fine for the committee to do it as a tradition but should not be brought back to an AGM.
Vote to approve the measure
20/23 abstain, 1 supported, 0 rejected
NOT passed
6. Questions to the committee
· Do we have a plan not to run out of tea in the event of a vehicle incident?
o Rose – Kit should go in earlier vehicle and be transferred to subsequent vehicles in case of incident in order to get it there on time.
o Tom – I think that we are over thinking this.
o Joe – This has not been a problem for over 7 years and will be forgotten about.
7. Elections
President – Marcus Taylor standing
· Been on 14 trips
· Will be first social sec to be president
· Likes sending emails
· Likes to look at booking bunk houses. Already in discussion with Tom.
· Has been trip leader for the last two trips, therefore has experience and it will be a smooth transition.
Tom H – Where would you take the third trip of each term?
Marcus- Ulswater, Teasdale, comfort and value for money bunk houses, wants to make Christmas dinner a tradition so need a bunkhouse with a good kitchen.
Josh – Any plans for foreign trips?
Marcus – “Is Scotland foreign?” There are plans for Scotland, also the Alps in mid-September for hillwalking.
Results of the election: 22 for Marcus, 0 RON, 0 Abstain, 1 Spoil. Marcus duly elected.
Meets: Camilla Penny standing
Results of the election: 23 for Camilla, 0 RON, 0 Abstain. Camilla duly elected.
Social Secretary: Adrien Lefauve standing
Results of the election: 18 for Adrien, 1 RON, 4 Abstain. Adrien duly elected.
Safety: Josh Abrahams standing
Results: 22 for Josh, 0 RON, 1 Abstain. Josh duly elected.
Junior Treasurer: David Hoyle standing
Result: 22 for David, 0 RON, 1 Abstain. David duly elected.
Membership: Anthony standing
Results: 21 for Anthony, 0 RON, 0 Abstain, 2 spoil. Anthony duly elected.
8. Any Other Business
· None
We then proceeded to have wine and cheese.
The agenda for the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 5th February 2015 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
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Chair: Mr Andrew Williamson (for Ms Vicky Ward, who was rendered speechless by a bad cold)
Secretary: Ms Eleri Cousins
Also present: Philip Withnall, Tom Leach, Dave Farrow, Simon Williams, Laurent Michaux, Tom Hare, James Hickson, Paul Fox, Rose Pearson, Tom Ashton, Matt Hickford, David Hoyle, Anthony Cooper, Charlotte Zealley, Mark Jackson, Chris Arran, Andy Howell, Jane Patrick, Jade Cuttle, Marcus Taylor, John Ockenden, Greg Chadwick, Valerie Ashton.
Langdale – successful me thinks. Tom and I got very confused as to our roles. Mainly (and wonderfully!) organised by JS & DF
The 2 new Michaelmas locations deemed good.
The accounts were approved unanimously.
Also presented by Philip Withnall. By this time those present were (pretending to be) sick of Philip’s dulcet tones.
To remove article 23 from the Club’s Constitution and replace it with: “When the office of Senior Treasurer becomes vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint someone who is of MA standing and a resident member of the Senate or otherwise a person approved by the Junior Proctor. The Senior Treasurer shall not be required to be a member of the Club. The Senior Treasurer may be removed from office by ordinary resolution at a General Meeting.
The Senior Treasurer noted this would make our lives easier, and there was no reason not to approve it.
To remove article 48 from the Club’s Constitution and replace it with: “Where a General Meeting has passed a resolution to wind up the Club in accordance with article forty-seven, the Club's assets, after payment of any debts or other liabilities, shall be transferred to such Registered Society of the University of Cambridge as the General Meeting shall by ordinary resolution direct, and in default of such direction to the University of Cambridge. This motion shall be valid regardless of any failure to comply with article thirty-seven or thirty-eight in respect of it.”
It was also noted by some present that the background to this is general paranoia about what university clubs do with university funds. While it is “highly unlikely that the hillwalking club will become a terrorist cell”, such general fears might be the source of the pressure.
Passed with no votes to disapprove but with 8 abstentions.
To add article 50 to the Club’s Constitution: ““The Andy Gibson Training Fund exists independently of the Club and holds its assets subject only to its own Rules. Such assets shall not be treated as assets of the Club for any purpose, including on any dissolution of the Club.”
Senior Treasurer: Seems quite correct. Perhaps doesn’t need a constitutional amendment, but certainly no harm in clarifying.
It was agreed by all present that he remains wanted.
We then proceeded to rapidly finish the Cava left over from the last club lunch.
The agenda for the AGM on Wednesday 26th February 2014 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
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Chair: Mr Andrew Williamson
Secretary: Miss Vicky Ward
Also present: Dr James Hickson, Michael Fordham, Greg Chadwick, Helen Phillips, Becky Howard, Peter Kirkwood, Mike Simpson, Joe Hobbs, Valerie Ashton, Tom Ashton, Andrena Ball, Phil Withnall, Tom Leach, Chris Arran, Paul Fox, Mark Jackson, Eleri Cousins, Jo Smith, Dave Farrow, Simon Williams, Laurent Michaux, Phil Brown.
The accounts got approved unanimously.
Summary by the President:
Key is to keep updated feedback on website as advice for future applicants – all feedback from completed courses now online. Sometimes this was only after the President had to pester people for a considerable amount of time, which shouldn’t be the case when they had been provided with money.
To remove article 31 from the Club’s Constitution and replace it with: “Should a post on the Executive Committee become vacant, not at the AGM, and if only a single member is nominated for the vacant position, said member may be co-opted onto the committee without the need for an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held. An Extraordinary General Meeting may still be called in accordance with article 33.”
Michael Ashdown’s proposed changed amendment is as follows:
This Motion was made redundant by the passing of the motion above.
Member(s) standing for position: Vicky Ward
It took a long time for people to persuade me to take this position as I did not believe that I was a suitable candidate for the job; however, now I have come round to the idea and intend to do my best at the role possible. I believe that I am suitable candidate as I can be surprisingly organised and do not get stressed easily. I also would not in the case of an emergency, despite Joe’s claims upon hearing I was Cambridge Contact for Selside, react by baking a cake.
How do you deal with stress?
Phil Brown (possibly): What changes do you propose to make to the club?
Peter Kirkwood: Where do you intend to take the club?
24 Votes for, 1 vote RON, 0 abstentions
Member(s) standing for position: Mark Jackson
At this point, I would like to say a few words on why I do not want to fill the role. I only decided to allow myself to be nominated as it would be filling a hole in the committee, despite only being here for the next 4 months, not being able to come on any weekend trips and not having much time in the evenings to do the work when I am exhausted. Since then a more suitable candidate has stepped up, but not in time to be nominated. On the other hand I do not wish to be the first person voted RON....
19 Votes for, 6 Vote RON, 0 abstentions
Member(s) standing for position: Chris Arran
I have long been keen on the social aspect of the club. I did not originally stand for the social secretary position as I was concerned about the workload so went for meets. But since then I have come round to the idea of Social Secretary – especially if Lucy Stone can come in to help in September! The question of where lunch will be from now on is an interesting one. Murray Edwards was easier personally for me but it is obvious that it is not ideal for everyone. I was thinking about moving around the location of lunch, including sometimes pub lunches perhaps? I plan pancake challenges next week!
25 Votes for, 0 vote RON, 0 abstentions
Member(s) standing for position: Tom Leach
I intend to continue the hard work of Peter, maximising equipment access and continuing the role forward. I will also always ensure a healthy supply of biscuits
24 Votes for, 0 vote RON, 1 abstention
Member(s) standing for position: Phil Withnall
I have enjoyed my time in the club and would love to be able to give something back. I am reasonably numerous. I have lived beneath a Treasurer for the past year – hopefully some of it has osmosed down.... (Paul fox made a comment on biological knowledge). I am graduating in the summer but there is only a slim chance that I will not be staying in Cambridge.
24 Votes for, 1 vote RON, 0 abstention
Member(s) standing for position: Eleri Cousins
I love being a member of the club and standing for Membership Sec seems the most feasible way of giving something back. I can also touch type!
23 Votes for, 0 vote RON, 2 abstentions
This year, there were fewer complaints about the refreshments on offer. Possibly because Wensleydale with cranberries had been added to the cheese selection. And because one of the Outgoing Social Secretaries had managed to ‘slip away’ from the meeting halfway through when she realised there were more people than they had expected and so further cheese supplies were required. One person expressed unhappiness at the lack of gorgonzola, however. This was only because the Outgoing President had told them to expect it to be present, but had then forgotten to tell the Social Secretaries to buy any of said cheese.
Mark resigned at 20.51 in writing to all Officers, having only been elected at 20.26.
The (amended) agenda for the AGM on Tuesday 5th February 2013 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
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Chair: Mr Andrew Williamson
Secretary: Miss Vicky Ward
Also present: Dr James Hickson, Michael Fordham, Joe Hobbs, Andrena Ball, Eleri Cousins, Dave Farrow, Mike Simpson & Jo Smith
Helen Phillips
The one nomination, Joe Hobbs, anxiously demanded on making the speech that he had prepared before people started to vote. He stated that since he could “barely fail to get in” that he ought to outline his previous failures in his three committee roles. Said failures were as follows:
-As Meets Secretary he left behind Michael
-During his time as the Safety Officer, 2 visits were paid to A&E
-As Social Secretary he generally failed
Having pondered these failures, he felt it was time to go round the committee cycle for a second attempt at all the roles, starting with Meets Secretary.
Eleri, upon hearing this speech asked, “can i change my vote?”
Joe Hobbs was duly elected with the results: Joe Hobbs 10, with 1 abstention.
Joe/Dave: Is other business allowed in an EGM?
Andrew: Yes it is. Any other business?
Everyone: no
Andrew: the EGM is finished.
Click below to download the agenda for the EGM to be held on Thursday 15th November 2012.
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Chair: Mr Andrew Williamson
Secretary: Miss Vicky Ward
Also present: Dr James Hickson, Michael Fordham, Greg Chadwick, Helen Phillips, Becky Howard, Peter Kirkwood, Mike Simpson & Jo Smith
• The one nomination Mike Simpson identified himself as a fourth-year engineer who had been involved in the club for a couple of years. He spoke of his highlights being the Seathwaite and Swaledale Trips. He felt that during this time he had gained a good feel for the club and that he now felt that it was time for him to get more involved by coming on more trips and being part of the committee. He spoke of his informal qualifications for the role being that he had ‘time’ and a ‘good feel for numbers’.
• After much discussion of the fact we couldn’t vote for RON, nor draw a box for another candidate, Mike Simpson was duly elected with the results: Mike Simpson 10 with 0 abstentions.
The club needs an excess in the account in case of emergencies (e.g. a minibus crash). We should aim for £1500 as a buffer at all times.
We need to start paying people as soon as possible. Laura and Peter have both not been paid back for months. Peter is still currently owed about £500 (for instructor courses and so on) which the club can’t presently pay. This is unfair on members.
Bunkhouse down payments can’t be made.
The current committee inherited these problems and debts, following several years of consecutive losses.
Membership costs have been increased to £15. This breaks down to £7.25 for BMC affiliation, with the surplus being used for equipment. An increase does mean that people coming on fewer trips are subsidising those who go on more. But, we are still cheap (the cheapest?) compared to other University clubs, most of which charge £20 at a minimum.
In 1997, we had to pay no BMC affiliation. If we took national inflation into account and transferred the extra costs of paying the BMC affiliation, membership should now amount to approximately £21.
We aim to increase trip costs so that they are more in line with what we actually pay. The costs of bunkhouses, transport and most especially fuel have all increased but trip costs have not increased in line with this – or had not until the new committee was elected in February. Since then, trip costs have increased.
Data on trip losses and profits since the new committee was elected is not available, but we do know that Patterdale made a £134 loss. Note that this does not take into account the money from the Societies Syndicate (a grant of £2000 this year represents a £200 increase on the previous year). This would mean that the trip made a small profit.
One of the reasons the Societies Syndicate did not give us the extra £400 that we applied for was that they felt driver discounts should not be included in the application - indeed, they had not been in previous years.
Currently trips are subsidised at a rate of £181 per trip assuming that weekend and day trips are subsidised by the same fraction.
Membership cost may have to increase further in the future to keep this more in line with inflation.
As the resigned Junior Treasurer pointed out, most of the drivers are the club’s older members who may be on full-time wages, so the discount may not be necessary for them.
The resigned Junior Treasurer also recommended that membership should strictly run by academic year so that it does not stop and start, providing a solid and predictable income at the start of the year. It is largely felt this is not necessary at this moment in time.
Peter: We need a 12-month target for accounting, so we can track linear progression. We also need a new accounting system so that the profit/loss of any given trip is known more instantaneously than presently.
Mike: Plans to communicate with the President more effectively to provide this data.
Jo: It should be remembered (and perhaps more lucidly expressed in the Presidential notes) that the President is in overall charge of Club accounts.
Greg: Each year a review has to be done to see how we are progressing.
Peter: By knowing profits and losses more instantaneously we would be able to adjust trip costs throughout year.
Jo: We need a financial report for each individual trip. More communications between President and Junior Treasurer is needed. A financial plan for the year needs to be made soon after the AGM.
Andrew: Most trips made small losses this year, but the data on losses and profits has not been provided to me, despite having asked for it.
Dr Hickson: The BMC subscription should be paid directly by the members themselves, not by the membership fees. Cash flow is below the viable limit. You can see the rising fuel costs in today’s society just by looking at Ryanair ticket prices... There is no point to driver discounts, except possibly for students. Discount amounts need to be reconsidered to something more like £10 or £15 per trip.
Jo: Without driver discount, we may struggle to get people to drive the minibuses. Jo expressed that she would not have driven on as many trips without the incentive – driving the minibus is a horrible task. We need to think of the discounts on a supply-and-demand basis.
Andrew: Informal discussions suggest that older members of the club would drive without discounts. But we are struggling a little with drivers for this term, so maybe they need to remain.
Michael: Trip costs are the main way to solve problems (as already expressed by the President). The club does not lose money on BMC affiliation. We should perhaps consider rising trip costs above real costs. This is unfair but is better than increasing membership further. First trip he went on (in Michaelmas 2003) was £29. Last time fuel costs were even discussed was during the recession when fuel prices went down. Trips are still significantly cheaper than doing it yourself – suggested for inclusion at the Freshers’ Squash. Trips are always sold out.
Jo: We should perhaps consider advertising trips more widely if there is not enough demand. Presently this has not been an issue on trips.
Michael: Perhaps we should consider reducing the number of weekend trips per year if the demand is not there once costs go up. This is probably not likely to occur though.
Jo: We should compare the costs of a trip to a night out – duly done at the Squash.
Michael: Should we reconsider online banking?
Peter: Lloyds TSB do not allow us to do this because of our status as ‘community banking’ – confirmed the following day at the bank by Mike and Andrew.
Andrew: Part of the issue is that bunkhouses are not cashing their cheques fast enough, so it is difficult to track the current status of the account. This provides more of a reason to have a buffer.
Greg: We need to look at what is written down in the ledger rather than what the account says.
Andrew: That’s what the red book is for.
Michael: We need a pessimistic trip cost plan.
Vicky: We need instant money in the account. Long-term gains are fine but we need money now. Possibility that certain club members may pay a certain amount of money (say £150) upfront at the start of the year. This is then used to pay for their trips throughout the year.
Michael: He himself would have no problem with this scheme, but does not like the idea of the club owing members money. Sees the scheme as shady. He also said that he did not like the idea of money from fundraising events being split between the club and charities, which had been one suggested way to increase money.
Andrew: The income from such events is relatively low (compared to turnover) so would not be a panacea.
Dr Hickson: Part of the budgeting problem is that we do not really know what percentage of the turnover we need as cash float. This is a major budgeting problem. We need to think more before the next Societies Syndicate application once the new committee is elected in February.
Michael: Is 10% of annual turnover sensible? We need to work out how to get more members to sign up at the Squash.
Peter: We can use the new membership money to help pay for transport this term.
Michael: Dunmail Raise is a big bunkhouse and is cheap. This is a popular time of year for the club. It presents a great opportunity to make money.
Peter: The £10 discount for trip leaders on Edale is not necessary. And was therefore duly scrapped.
Michael: We really need to sell Edale at the Squash. [The trip is currently full and should make a (considerable) profit.]
Mike: What about opt-in driver discounts?
Michael: Driver discounts are dodgy ground for insurance purposes. Up to a certain limit people can claim for wear and tear costs.
Dr Hickson: There wouldn’t be this problem with driver discounts for the minibuses as they are commercial hires.
Vicky: On the membership forms, people tick the boxes displaying their willingness to drive without being aware of the discounts.
Michael: In three weeks, we will be able to know the financial status on the club better.
Becky: Socials can’t make money - and even if they did, again it would only be relatively small amounts.
Helen: We still have 5 t-shirts left in odd colours. We attempted to sell some stash at the Squash.
Click below to download the agenda for the EGM to be held on Monday 8th October 2012.
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Chair: Mr Matthew Graham
Secretary: Mr Mark Jackson
Also present: Andrena Ball, Andrew Williamson, Becky Howard, Bethan Gudgeon, Dave Farrow, Dave Mackenzie, Doug Hull, Helen Phillips, Dr James Hickson, James Ritchie, Jane Patrick, Jo Smith, Joe Hobbs, John Hobbs, Kate Humphris, Kerrie Taylor-Jones, Laura Burrows, Lucy Stone, Michael Fordham, Peter Kirkwood, Phil Brown, Rob Halbert, Simon Williams, Tom Ashton, Tom Wright & Vicky Ward.
Proposed by Kerrie Taylor-Jones, seconded by Peter Kirkwood:
To change the weekend trip sign-up procedure so that those who turn up to sign-up early but miss out on a place because the trip is over-subscribed are offered a pre-sign on the next trip.
After some intricate discussion of what could and could not be done with the motion under the constitution, it was agreed that a vote on the motion would go ahead but that those present would unanimously abstain, thus expressing neither acceptance nor refusal of the motion or its sentiment.
The agenda for the Annual General Meeting on 7th February 2012 is available to download by clicking the link below.
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Chair: Miss Jo Smith
Secretary: Miss Kirsty Brown
Apologies for Absence
(longer than Dave’s...)
For more information about this year’s trips, look at [l|/trip-book|reports on the CUHWC website].
The first edition of a new club journal, ‘High Society’, was released this year, edited by Dave F. This is intended to be an annual publication, and will hopefully be continued in future years, edited by the most recent ex-president. Jo is happy to produce one this summer.
Thanks to Matthew for the new website, which looks great, is easy to navigate and is kept more up-to-date than the previous one. There are inevitably still a few things to sort out, such as enabling people to upload their own photos from trips. An online membership form and a way of integrating payment with this have been suggested. However, most online payment systems require a monthly fee, or an added payment for the person making a transaction. The increased ease of online payment is possibly not worth the extra cost, although cheques may become less common.
There have been some very keen new members this year. It would be good to think of more ways of getting new members and freshers more involved in the club, by encouraging them to go to club formals, etc.
Large exodus not expected this year.
Trip numbers have been about right for the size of bunkhouses, etc.
Agreed that it is not worth changing the constitutional order of elections.
Simon T: Vote of thanks to the outgoing committee, particularly for the new website and the improved membership structure.
The agenda is available to download by clicking on the link below.
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Chair: Mr Dave Farrow
Secretary: Mr Tim Middleton