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Langdale Duffer Transport

Please put details below if you can give lifts or are looking for lifts, either from home or from a local train station or bus stop.
You can send details to if you don't want to register for access.

The club is organising transport for Cambridge based club members.

Recommended format

Each request/offer could follow a format like this

Person A and B from location

More details here on other possible locations and timing constraints.

  • We've got space - pick you up at 6? [Person C]
  • Thanks! [Person A]

People looking for lifts:

Simon T and Georgia W from outer NW London

We live at HA7 1FP. Happy to meet anywhere we can get to on public transport. Flexible on departure time (Georgia's on half term and Simon can always take a day off) but prefer evening.

  • We will be leaving Heathrow at around 6pm [Ben W, Doug H and Bethan G from Heathrow]

and potentially have a car to fill or else will hire so would be great if you Simon and Georgia wanted to join us!

  • Confirmed, thanks guys! [Simon]

People with spaces:

Helen Ashdown from Oxford

Leaving Oxford 6-8pm, space for 2 people either from Oxford or somewhere along M40/M42/M6 route - e-mail me directly if interested please so that I don't have to keep checking back here!

  • 1 space taken by Dave Mackenzie, 1 space still free