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Cooking for Seathwaite Trip, 6th-11th January 2012

This is a page to organise food for the Seathwaite 2012 trip. Given people are arriving and leaving on different dates this is a bit more difficult to manage than weekend trips, but if people want to try to organise group meals this is the place to do so!

High House has a good kitchen, including multiple hobs, oven, microwaves, fridge, the usual crockery, cutlery and utensils, and an on-demand water heater. The club will provide usual supplies of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, milk (for cereal and drinks), sugar, biscuits, cooking oil and washing-up stuff.


On previous years we've often gone to the pub (the Scafell Hotel in Rosthwaite) one night. Saturday night might be a good choice given that will be when the bunkhouse is busiest (and cooking most problematic), however other suggestions are welcome.

Add your name below if you're keen for pub one night, along with any preference of day.

  • Matt, Saturday
  • Tom W, Saturday or Sunday
  • Andrew - Saturday
  • DP - Saturday
  • Greg - Any day, but let's say Saturday
  • Michael - Saturday
  • Ruth P - Saturday
  • Mark - any day
  • Rob - any day
  • Goody - any day
  • Tom A - Saturday

Meal suggestions

Friday 6th January

Sweet potato and spinach thai-style curry

Vegetarian curry with rice and some form of fruit crumble for desert

If you sign-up after Monday 2nd January please text me (mobile number in trip in email) as I won't have internet access from 3rd till when I arrive at Seathwaite [l|/users/matthew-graham|Matthew Graham] - 20:36 01 January 2012

Maximum 12

  1. Matt
  2. Goody
  3. Andrew (will confirm by text as I may not arrive until late that day)

Some of us will be getting a takeaway on the way up I expect. [MJ]

Saturday 7th January

Pub then yeah?

Sunday 8th January

Spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread

Haven't thought of a pudding yet. Does anyone else want to suggest/make one?

  • I could do a chocolate and raspberry cheesecake - Greg
    • Sounds good to me! [AW] Me too! [TW]
    • Cool will do [GC]

Numbers by 4pm on Wednesday 4th please, as I'll go shopping and make the bolognese sauce beforehand. You'd all signed up already, so I've just made and frozen the sauce [TW, 3/1].

Max 8:

  • Tom W
  • Kerrie TJ
  • Mark
  • Andrew
  • Rob
  • Stuart B
  • Greg
  • Kate
Macaroni cheese

Macaroni cheese with cherry tomatoes and sundried tomatoes (, plus some kind of desert - maybe bread and butter pudding? Vegetarian.

Max 4 people because I have to cycle to work with ingredients (though if more people want to join we may be able to work something out.)

  • Tom A
  • Goody
  • Paul
  • Austen

Monday 9th January

? Some sort of curry.

Max 8:

  • Kate
  • Andrew
  • Goody
  • Mark
  • Stuart
  • Paul
  • ...
  • ...

Tuesday 10th January

Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd's Pie (it'd be easy to do a vegetarian pie too if needed, with beans, veggies and onions but no mince - let me know). Baked apples for dessert? Up to 12 people. -- Goody

  1. Goody
  2. Andrew - meat eater
  3. Rob
  4. Stuart
  5. Paul
  6. Kate