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Thursday 5th April, arrive from 7pm


Stanton Farm (Bethan's house) - on A10 between Milton and Waterbeach.

Who - add your name by Wednesday evening, please (for catering purposes)

  • Jo
  • Dave F
  • Dave M
  • Becky (no dairy please!)
  • Greg
  • Bethan
  • Doug
  • Kirsty
  • Valerie
  • Tom A
  • Joe


  • 2 large bags of crisps - Jo & Dave (we have some to get rid of)
  • Starter - Any requests, guess I need something dairy free and vege?
    • Anyone like the idea of a bread + dips type thing? There'd be some baguette, pita, humus, oil/balsamic, guacamole, sala etc - Greg
  • Main course (sweet potato tagine and cous cous (probably)) - Jo & Dave
  • Pudding
    • Bethan & Kirsty - apple crumble
    • Becky - some sort of cake (this may not be possible if our oven is not fixed though...)
  • Drinks - any offers??

    • Becky - schloer
    • 2/3 bottle of port + similar amount of ginger wine - Dave M
    • Bottle of Red - Greg
    • Wine or beer - Valerie and Tom
    • Bottle of red which I confiscated from somebody at work... - Kirsty
  • I'll bring something to nibble on during the film - Doug

Other plans

It's pub night, so we could go on to a pub, probably in Milton direction. But I'm guessing most people who'd come to the pub will be at dinner anyway - and people who aren't free till later could still join us for a drink at Bethan's. This means we could watch Shackleton (though someone would need to pick it up from Tom) or another film. But not very fair on any new members thinking of coming along!

Any thoughts? I'd be up for Shackleton and silly games! (RH)

I'm keen for the Shackleton film (which incidentally is one of my favourite ever films) :-) In case anyone didn't know, it is very long (3.5 hours) so we might want to watch while we eat, especially as the first hour is perhaps less exciting, when Shackleton is planning/preparing. (DH)